My First Post and Portfolio

 Dear Venturers,

Greetings! My name is Elizabeth. I love historical sewing, reading, chickens, and pretty much anything obscure and interesting. 

I have named this blog, Venturing in the Prior because I like to think of my sewing endeavors (that's mainly what I intend to write about) as grand adventures, whisking oneself away into another world full of fun mysteries waiting to be discovered. Since, of course, I'll be writing about most of these adventures, I thought it would be amusing to take all you (those who might happen to read this blog) on my adventure with me, making us all venturers into the unknown and intriguing world that is the past so that we all might learn something. 

Since you've bravely agreed to accompany me this far at least, I wish you the best of journeys as you set forth reading the reports of my findings. They may not be entirely accurate, nor the quality of work as nice as one might desire (one being me), but, as previously stated, I am still learning. We are all still learning. Though some may be a good deal more progressed than others, we are all still making a slow march towards the accumulation of as much knowledge as possible about a time in which none of us have ever lived in, nor ever will live in, but strive to impersonate ourselves as having lived in. What a funny thing?

A handful of my creations in no special order...

*= in progress

I rarely update this, so most everything here is old and not that good. Have fun!

My 1869’s Corset

The Felicity Inspired Ensemble 

The Mint Robe À Langlaise 

The Second Colonial Stomacher Ensemble 

The 18th. Century Cardinal Cloak and Gloves 

White Shift

1700’s Stays 

*1890’s Jacket Ensemble (AKA  the, “Puffy Sleeves Dress”) 

Blue 1910’s Walking Skirt

The “Emma” Inspired Regency Gown 



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