Ye Olde Victorian Memes
Dear Blog,
Good Evening! Today I saw this very uninformed add for a greeting card about global warming, and I thought I would make a post about all the funny things out there about history.
So this is a bit funny... even though the door is not period appropriate for the 18th century ;)
I’m not sure if “historical” would be the right term...
So if you’re in the mood to start complaining about the US, at the very least get your facts right. I guess The new way to spell “sailor” is solider ?
Medieval movies can be hittermiss.
We are all well-versed on the unspeakable polyester "costumes".
Excuse me, your nylon stockings are showing.
The longer you look, the worse it gets.
To refresh your brain, here are a few of my favorite “historically accurate memes”. Enjoy!
How could they??
POV you have a modern washing machine
Hairpins wouldn't hurt as well :|
But it's oh-so true
the Met online is amazing
I once heard that guys in the 1700’s filled their socks with sand to look more muscular, but then the sand would fall out in front of everyone.
Once I was wearing a skirt a few inches above my ankles, and a roughly 8 year old boy asked his mom if I was Amish.