The Attic Bedroom: A Miniature Photo Collection

 Dear Venturers,

Good Afternoon! Today I took a photo shoot of the attic bedroom in my dollhouse. I was inspired to do so because I have been working on finishing the floors in the that room. I can’t wait to see what they will look like when it’s all done! It has taken SO many packages of popsicle sticks for the floors that it’s been taking me forever to finish the upstairs. 

I got this beautiful doll (that’s even to scale!) at a flea market for only 1 dollar! The man running the store said his wife was in Hawaii and he didn’t know what the price of the doll was. I hope she didn’t get home to find thier most expensive doll was gone! 
I will make a post later about how to make the little fire. 
A love to tape photos outside the windows with a flash light on them when taking pictures. Doesn’t it look so much better that way?
I have been debating whether or not to put the window trim up. I kinda like keeping with the rustic feel and leaving it raw. 

My favorite feature on the desk is a beautiful miniature Little Princess book. I am abscessed with that story! It will be on my, “Faux Spring Reading List to Beat the Heat” that I will talk about about in a future post  :) I got that book from an Etsy shop called,  “Mondina Dollhouse”. This shop has all kinds of beautiful things for your miniature projects! 

This bedspread used to be a pinner-cap that came with a colonial style gown I had once. 

And to show off the outside:


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