Greetings from 2023!

 Hello, Venturers!
I have developed a newfound interest in this strange blog of mine, and I have decided to make some changes around here to keep it updated with my unstable personality. 

The first change will be the font that I use. That swirly “dancing script” crap is impossible to read and everyone knows it, so I have changed to this. It may still be hard to read and Blogger might continue its attack against me with formatting issues, but at least it’s beautiful to look at. 

Next I have levelled up my sewing skills. I’ve switched to almost entirely hand-sewing as it produces a much cleaner result and is more satisfying. I am also putting more effort into patience and research. Silly “shortcuts” (looking at you, mustard cotehardie!) are now looked down upon and when I do decide to make things that I know will not end well, I won’t be posting a long, rambling essay on it. 

I have also given up my rants on all things HA and the miniaturing hobby. This will mean no more cringey posts about the faults of others or photo dumps of tiny houses. 

Lastly, you can expect a higher quality of writing, formatting, and grammar… kinda… and improved photography… if I feel like it. 

Because I’m making this my new featured post to warn new readers of the horrendous posts from the past, and because I have a new style now, here is my re-vamped blog synopsis:

Hello there! My name is Elizabeth and I am a self-taught sewist. I love all things history, particularly early American history and the Middle Ages, but my passion is fashion history (hey that rhymes) mainly from the 18th century. My goal is not to teach or instruct as I do not consider myself qualified, but rather to share. I’ll talk about my projects, sewing mishaps and successes, and research that I’ve done as well as sources I’ve found. This blog is titled, “Venturing in the Prior” because that’s exactly what I’m doing! Learning about a new world that none of us have actually lived in. 
In addition to history things, I like to talk about cooking and baking, raising backyard chickens, and occasionally books or movies that I’ve discovered. Welcome to theVenturers! 

Of course you are welcome to view all the posts I’ve made on this blog, but anything older than 2023 should be read at your own risk!

That is all,
Good luck, dear venturers! 

(Like my new tagline?? Leave a comment!)

(Don’t actually leave a comment. It would scare me if I knew someone else was reading this crap.)


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